I havenā€™t gone for an early morning bike ride in years. I prefer to do my exercise at the end of the day.

I have a friend though. Iā€™ve tried many, many times to say no to her in the nearly 37 years Iā€™ve known her. My success rate is probably 1 in 50, she is very persuasive. I think itā€™s the red headed Irish girl that lurks beneath the surface ready to pounce if thereā€™s a hint of resistance. When that girl is in full flight you get onboard or get out of the way.

We had lunch on Saturday and she said she was going for a bike ride in the morning and I should come. I canā€™t was my reply, I have a pre-existing plan for breakfast.

Letā€™s go before, you can work up an appetite she said. Iā€™ll call you and get you moving in the morning she said. Iā€™m good I replied, letā€™s do it another time.

No, weā€™re going and I wonā€™t take no for answer. It was at that point I knew I was riding in the morning but hoped she would change her mind.

She did not change her mind.

At 5:45am my phone rang. Her number is one of the few that Iā€™ve set to allow to ring at any time. I might need to review that setting. It didnā€™t wake me, Iā€™m generally awake by 5:30am these days.

Hello I answered with a tired sigh. Was there a reply? Did she apologise for the early call? Not at all. Instead, all I heard was part of Mad About You by Belinda Carlisle playing.

Something about you right here beside me
Touches the touched part of me like I can’t believe
Pushing the night into the daytime
Watching the sky’s first light
While the city sleeps

Then she says, weā€™ve missed the first light but the city is still asleep. Letā€™s go riding and wake up.

We went riding.