Having done my ladies who lunch routine with a 2.5hr lunch then a few cocktails on the way home I’m reminded how much I’m looking forward to retirement. A few years off until I can access my superannuation and walk out of work for the last time but so tantalisingly close.

The advantage of being a manager is the team has to tolerate my little obsessions. At least that’s what I tell myself when it comes to Doctor Who.

I love a Golden Gaytime ice cream but some things just shouldn’t be allowed to exist - Finally, Golden Gaytime comes as a protein powder.

📺 It’s time to settle in and watch the last episode of Slow Horses S4. This show is so good but I can’t wait for weekly drops so held off and then watched the first five episodes over the last two nights ready for the final.

The local state Greens mp is set up along the river in West End talking to people. With only three weeks until the election I had to look up who the Labor candidate is that’s how invisible they are.

You can’t just turn up at the Saturday markets occasionally and hope people remember you.

📷 Started going through my photo albums a week ago to get rid of screenshots, duplicates etc. I’ve accumulated a lot of unwanted stuff over the years.

I’ve just finished the cull and there’s now 10,728 photos in the recently deleted album. Now to go through the 836 photos I dropped into “misc”.

🍺 It’s 4pm so I’m calling the week as over. Time to have a beer and lean into the long weekend.

You don’t really think about how much you move your dominant arm around until you have a sun spot (bcc) cut out right on the ball of the shoulder and the doctor says “try to limit movement for the first 48hrs”.

Get your skin checked regularly people.

🛥️ Taking the City Cat ferry home on the river really is one of the best ways to commute.

Wearing another new badge to work today. Pretending I’m wild and free while I sit at my desk and go to interminable meetings.

An enamel badge pinned on a brown corduroy jacket. The badge has a blue background and a white unicorn with the LGBTIQ rainbow colours as its mane. The words “Wild & Free” are across the top.