Found a nice little spot to have coffee and listen to some music.

There was dinner and now a show.

I just flew from Brisbane to Melbourne, Australia. I love to fly and one of my great joys is travelling by air. The people watching at the airport, being up among the clouds, the adventure of going somewhere.

However, I’m increasingly wondering how much more I should do given the environmental impact.

If only Australia had reasonably priced high speed rail to traverse its vast distances. We have rail, but it’s neither high speed or value for money/time compared to plane travel.

It’s been five years since I adopted Ali from a local cat rescue. She was found with a litter of five kittens and was only about six months old herself. She settled straight in and this early photo of her a few days later is still one of my favourites.

Made it to the end of Westworld Season 4 and while it seems they’re setting up for a possible S5 I think I’m done. I struggled to stay engaged this season. The twists and turns, the reveals, the plot lines, that kept me engaged in S1-2 waned in S3 and were a poor shadow in S4. 📺

I’ve reached that point in my holidays where I have to check what day of the week it is. Good place to be.

A beautiful day to fly 🛫

A Virgin Australia plane on the tarmac. 'Virgin' painted in red on the tail. A clear blue sky in the background.A photo taken from the front boarding door of a Virgin Australia plane. The photo looks back along the body of the plane towards the tail and rear door. A clear blue sky in the background.

My brother’s dog, Tilly, is a gorgeous girl. She’s getting old now though and deaf as a post. She needs to see you to know you’re there but then she comes hustling over for lots of pats and rubs.

A perfect 21°c winter afternoon for a walk along the river then relaxing on my balcony with a beer in the late afternoon sun. These are both activities that are good for my mental health.

A grassed sloped area with several tall trees and the Brisbane river at the bottom of the slope. A brilliant blue sky in the upper third of the photo.

I had a list of things to do today but that plan has hit a slight snag in the shape of a cat.

A black and white cat asleep on a man’s lap with their head resting on a black and white chequered pillow. One paw is visible, tucked under the body. The man has a blue shirt and old jeans on.A close up of the head of a black and white cat resting on a black and white chequered pillow.