Not a huge fan of halloween as I see it as yet another american thing that’s becoming a commercialised norm in Australia but the joy on the faces of children yesterday as they were dressed up at a local party does soften my views a bit. That and the work halloween morning tea.

😊 Happy with how my little project is coming along

🔧 Tinkering and dabbling

I always make sure I include a stretch of the river when I go on my walk. It’s perfect at dusk with the breeze.

The Brisbane river with two City Cats (ferries) passing each other

I’ve been making a conscious effort to let subscriptions lapse if I’m not really using the product. My first real challenge though was letting a domain name lapse. I’ve had it for years but the plan for it never came to fruition. That countdown to expiry made me twitchy though, with constant “what if someone else takes it” thoughts!

A lazy start to Sunday morning. I’m reading and The Cat is napping, which is likely her plan for the rest of the day as well.

Saturday afternoons done right. Met friends at the local craft brewery that is five minutes walk from home.

A pale ale beer with the name of the craft brewery, Parched, on the glass.

I thought I’d been pretty good at not cluttering up my iPhone but in preparing to upgrade to the 14 I was surprised to discover I have 327 apps installed.

I’ve been reviewing and using the offload function for any that had not been used for a while. I’ve stalled at 159 active apps but I’m determined to reduce further. Time to reduce the last used parameter and the “but I’ll need it in X scenario” reasoning.

Big night ahead. Final episode of Jodie Whittaker as Doctor Who and the final episode of S1 for House of the Dragon. 📺

I wonder which one of my neighbours is being creative with their Wi-Fi.