🥵 Walking by the river in the hope it’s a bit cooler than at home.

The Cat enjoying the cool tiles on a 34°c day right before the storm crashed through.

A black and white cat looking at the camera with big green eyes. The cat is laying on grey tiles under a table.

The Cat versus the Currawong is a story on constant repeat here. The currawong has been quite active out on the balcony today and madam has been beside herself. Barely moved from her spot near the screen door where she can glare at it and make that weird little noise cats do.

The thing about twitter being destroyed and people leaving is you just know journalists and politicians will cling on to whatever end might be coming. They’re addicted to it and it’s become too visible in how stories of the day are reported. It’s given unnecessary weight.

✨ A lazy Sunday morning recharging the battery. Reading and cups of tea.

Long lunch with a few friends today was just what I needed to decompress after a busy week. The crispy skin on the duck was A+. Apart from individual drinks we managed to have 1 x bottle of white wine, 1 x red and 1 x dessert wine. A very good afternoon, you only live once etc

Without checking, I’m reasonably confident there is a novel in every room with a bookmark part way through. I always have one on the go but old favourites are scattered around ready to dip into if the mood takes me while pretending there’s not an ever increasing unread pile. 📚

I can’t decide if I want to download my twitter archive or not. I’m not sure I’d ever go looking back through it given I don’t go back over my tweet history now.

I’ve never seen Coronation Street so I don’t know Millie Gibson at all. Looks like RTD is going for a younger vibe again though. Can’t wait for new Doctor Who in 2023. 📺 www.doctorwho.tv/news-and-…

I will never tire of watching Star Trek in all its various incarnations. TNG is my favourite series and Wrath of Khan my favourite of the movies. 🖖🏻