The Mt Stapylton weather radar for Brisbane, Australia, seems to be having some issues. Either that or the Apocalypse has started.

A radar image from the Mt Stapylton weather radar showing three concentric rings of red and black, which normally means a severe storm. In this case it is an error.

Trying to summon the motivation to go for a late afternoon bike ride. A storm went through earlier and cooled everything down but I lay down on the couch to wait it out and now I’m far too comfortable. It will likely be very nice along the river though. Maybe a walk instead.

My favourite local cafe had a fifth birthday party last night, in part to thank customers that stayed with it all through covid lockdowns and limitations. The cafe is called Doc Brown, after the Doc in Back to the Future, so of course there was a Delorean parked out front.

A DeLorean car parked with the winged doors raised up. The licence plate is SCIFI and a man dressed as the Doc from Back to the Future stands nearby.

I walked away from my chair for two minutes to refill my water bottle. 🐈

A black and white cat curled up on a faded blue cushion in an old wooden chair.

I do admire Ms Ali’s commitment to sitting perfectly still, with big wide eyes, whenever a bird lands on the balcony outside. The next phase is quietly slipping down to sit near the screen door that keeps her inside.

A black and white cat with head raised and very wide open eyes staring intently at something out of shot.

City hall in Brisbane, Australia, lit up for Christmas.

Brisbane City lit in red and green lighting. The front columns are all red with the portico behind in green. Clock tower is all green.

🎄 Finishing early at 2:30pm to head off to a work Christmas party.

Most Friday mornings I have breakfast with 2 - 3 friends before we head off to work. It’s a nice little ritual and a very pleasant way to start the wind down towards the weekend.

Today’s plan.

A large set of very red lips painted on a wall on a white background. "Going with the idea that nothing can stop me" written inside the lips.

💲 Doing the survey to get my 9c discount on petrol on the way home.