One of my teams put up reindeer faces as part of their Christmas decorating competition entry. I said they were in the wrong order. After blank stares from them and mutterings of young people today from me, I sent Michael Buble reading ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas on Teams.

I have to wear black pants for an event today. I rarely wear black for one very good reason, cat hair. These pants are like a magnet for it. 🐈

Changing the Home Screen on my iPad. Looking forward to spending the next week trying to remember what random classification Apple has given things for the App Library whenever I want to open an app.

When you own a cat and think you might just sit down for five minutes you need to allow for the fact the cat may have other ideas. It’s been 20 minutes and she’s asleep and snoring. A standard Caturday here.

A black and white cat asleep in the lap of a man sitting in a chair. The cat has long whiskers and eyes are closed. He is wearing a blue shirt and light shorts.

Watched the Guardians of the Galaxy Christmas special. I wouldn’t say it was brilliant or five stars but it was a light hearted way to spend 45 minutes. It had some great humour in it and a focus on others, not just Chris Pratt. What more could you ask for. 📺

I like Signal as a messaging service. I like its approach to privacy. I recommended it to friends. Not sure I can continue to do so though.

I rolled my eyes when they introduced stories but kept using it. I’m reevaluating my use altogether now they’re rolling out a digital coin.

Screenshot of settings in the Signal app. Introducing payments and Mobile coin, a new privacy focussed digital currency.

Last week, as Spring was coming to an end, we had temperatures of 34° and 35°c. The first day of Summer has arrived with the rain and a cool change. Didn’t make it over 18°.

Sipping my coffee at the local cafe and listening to everything the soccer mad barista says about the World Cup results this morning so I can pretend I’m knowledgable when I get to work. ⚽️

Microblogvember has me in a good routine now of thinking of something I want to say that utilises the particular word. Going to try to keep it going and generate my own word each day as a prompt.

This year we have invested time in addressing psychological safety at work. It’s been very well received and as part of the management group for my department it’s been informative in terms of issues our teams want considered and addressed. Definitely guided planning for 2023.