Afternoon walks at sunset are good for the soul and a very pleasant way to wind out the weekend.

Looking down a boat ramp into the Brisbane river. A blue and white, double level, city cat ferry is in the middle and apartment buildings on the other side of the river are in the background. The sky is darkening as it’s just on sunset.

On Caturday, Ms Ali gets to nap outside while I read.

I’m going to be in so much trouble when I pick her up to go inside shortly.

A black and white cat stretched out asleep on a large black box. Her front paws are crossed and hanging over the edge of the box.Looking down from above, a black and white cat is stretched out asleep on a large black box. Her front paws are hanging over the edge of the box.

I miss going to the markets near where I used to live. The small quantities this stall holder sold instead of larger jars were perfect and meant my spice rack had a lot of variety.

It was a very busy day when I visited the Court of the Sun King. The Hall of Mirrors at Versailles was very full but fortunately the beauty was above the crowds.

🍺 Friday done, work week done. Time for a beer.

A few of us at work play Uno as a wellness activity at lunch on a Friday. While there’s a very high chance the mildest insult will be your parentage being called into question, it’s a lot of fun and a good way to start winding down the week.

A box of Uno playing cards on a white table. The box is red with UNO in large yellow letters in the top half and the bottom has yellow, green and blue cards numbered 2, 3 and 4.

The way an insect will wrap itself in a cocoon and then reappear transformed is one of the many marvels of nature that will never cease to fill me with joy.

A silver blue cocoon hanging from a thin branch. The background is full of green leaves.

I have a tiny Dalek that sits in front on my computer monitor at home. I occasionally find it cathartic to turn it to point at the screen during online meetings 😇

A white Dalek with gold markings from the tv show Doctor Who.

Took the houseplant out to water it and came back to find the cat in residence. 🐈

A large woven basket sitting on white tiles. A black and white cat is sitting upright inside the pot. The cat is sitting side on so her white belly and black back is clearly visible as is her black head and white chin.

I may have a lot of smart devices in my home but I still keep an analogue clock (or analog for the Americans) where I can see it when watching tv.

I bought this clock nearly 20 years ago on a holiday in Tasmania and it hasn’t played up once in all that time.

A round clock face showing 8:05 set into carved wood. The shape is a classic mantel clock with flat base and curved top.