Just watched The Mandalorian S3E6.

For a show that’s about “The” Mandalorian it’s spending a lot of time on Bo-Katan. Is she now “The” Mandalorian?

Not even sure why they bother showing Grogu apart from merchandising tie-in.

I’d like more Andor instead of this. 📺

🐰 Rainy Good Friday = Cup of tea ✅ Cat asleep on lap ✅ Netflix ✅

The WFH supervisor is beginning to look unhappy with me. Most likely because she thinks food should have been provided by now.

A black and white cat with a grumpy look on her face laying on a curved cat cushion on top of a white bookcase. A blue wall behind.

Someone needs a little more practice at hiding ready to pounce.

A red throw rug is over a large armchair. A black cat tail and part of a paw are visible poking out from under the throw.

On my last trip to Europe I was fortunate to visit the Belvedere building complex in Vienna on a clear sunny day. One of my favourite photos from that trip is the baroque palace and its mirror image in the water in front.

A large white baroque palace with green roof, two main levels and a smaller third and fourth level in the middle third. The palace is clearly reflected in the very large pond in front.

My friend Ash is a passionate advocate for cycling. What I enjoy is how he’s not negative towards cars and drivers the way some are, he just shows the positive aspects of cycling. I just love this one of riding around Brisbane that he’s recently posted to his YouTube channel.

When I travel I like to bring back souvenirs that will be used, not just looked at.

This knife from a trip to Kyoto, Japan, has “Peter” stamped in Japanese script on it. It’s used regularly and whenever I slice something up I’m reminded of the holiday.

A knife with a wooden handle on a benchtop. The paper under the knife says Aritsugu WAGOKORO knife.

I wasn’t very prompt at trading this in. I wonder if my niece will still honour it despite the must be used by date.

In this home I’m just the support act, the cat is the lead attraction. 🐈

A black and white cat looking out from under a mustard yellow chair.

I often reflect how an instrument that cost about $10 over 30 years ago is probably the most well used and oldest utensil in the kitchen.

A metal corkscrew with a simple wooden handle and a bell shape stopper about two thirds of the way along to pull the cork up into.