Lovely long weekend drawing to a close. Bit rainy on the first day but gorgeous autumn days for the other two. So many people out enjoying the local park and the green spaces along the river.

A frustration of having apple devices for personal use and windows at work is that reviews rarely focus on this. It’s always here’s the apple thing or here’s the windows thing; not here’s a good thing that lets you start something on your windows machine then easily switch and continue on your iPad.

The Bluesky what’s hot timeline is a bin fire and basically unusable. Bad luck if you wanted to get on and quietly try things out. Appears the sh*tposters have arrived 🙄

Friday night plan:

Fish and chips ✅

Glass of wine - underway

Hunt for Red October - imminent

A friend said “one ping only” in the group chat the other night and I’ve had a hankering to watch the Russian with the Scottish accent ever since. One of my favourite movies. 📽️

🍸 Long weekend - engage (Picard finger point)

Cat on my lap = peaceful start to the day.

Cat on my lap = extreme guilt about needing to get out of chair to go to work. 🐈

“Stop corporate greed” protest on an apartment development site at the end of my street with a large crane prevented from entering site. Two police cars and three police bikes keeping an eye on the protestors and not a single one doing anything about the crane blocking visibility on the main road.

Stumbled across this Star Trek Picard ending but with the Beach Boys. So good. 🖖🏻

Murray Gold returning as Doctor Who composer 📺

The news that Murray Gold is returning to Doctor Who is quite exciting, for me anyway.

I love the way each season he created new material, giving each important character their own piece. You hear Clara’s theme and you see that leaf blowing on the wind. You hear “I am the Doctor” and you see Eleven leaping into action.

Hearing his theme in 2005 when the Doctor finally returned to our screens was just so exciting. It was a new arrangement but so familiar and took me straight back to how hearing that music as a boy meant the latest episode was starting and for 25 minutes I was going to be caught up in an adventure in time and space.

🍕 Making pizza for lunch, with all of the anchovies. All. Of. The. Anchovies.