Next weekend is a trifecta of Mother’s Day, my brothers birthday and my niece’s birthday. Buying presents for mum and my niece qualifies for a free gift.

I wonder if my brother would prefer the hand cream, the scented candle or the big tangle free comb. 🤔😎

🌞 It’s 9:00am and 19°c with a high of 26° forecast. I love Autumn.

🍷 The weekend has arrived. I see a glass of Sangiovese in my near future.

🛫 A night spent planning a holiday is a good night.

Body corporate committee meeting first thing this morning. The agenda includes the evergreen items “enforcing the parking by-laws” and “dogs not being kept on a leash in the common areas”.

Doing my periodic review of subscriptions to see what I can cut out. I’m slowly reducing the number of apps I use but I do love a new shiny thing so need to maximise free trial periods wherever possible.

The cooler weather means the crochet blanket comes out to keep my feet warm. The cat loves to sleep on this blanket and will now spend the next few months curling up like this whenever I’m watching tv. 🐈

A black and white cat curled up asleep on a multi coloured crochet blanket draped across a man’s legs. The cat is in between his legs with head resting on one leg.

Watched the first episode of Mrs Davis as it’s had a thumbs up from people with similar viewing tastes to me. Very quirky and fun. I’ll be watching the rest of it. 📺

So many thoughts whirling around in my head lately. I’ve started so many short posts and then paused, thinking how it would make a good blog topic. I’ve been adding a note into Tot so I don’t forget about them.

Now if I could just sit down and turn those three word prompts into longer posts.

☕ A brisk 14°c this morning. Perfect to sit at the cafe sipping coffee pretending work is not a thing I have to go to.