Had a sunspot cut out of my lower leg on Friday and had the usual instruction of keep it covered for 48hrs and don’t get it wet. Looking forward to a shower tonight that doesn’t involve balancing one leg on the edge of the bathtub and trying not to fall over.

Get your skin checked annually people.

☕ That relieved feeling when you made it to the cafe counter in front of someone who has a 10 coffee order rather than behind them.

Trivia time. Thanks to international journeys we’re a much reduced Team “Peter: The eras tour”.

I always give myself a Christmas present and this watchband is going on the shortlist for this year. 🖖🏻 www.amazon.com/Star-Trek…

I like it when the six monthly fire drill is a “Shelter in Place” exercise rather than an evacuation. I can stay in my office and quietly sip my tea instead of going outside.

Apparently we’re sheltering from the raging storm outside.

Looking across an office towards windows with roller blinds partially down. A white meeting table with red chairs to the right. A green chair with plants near it on the left.

Almost half of private school parents would consider switching to a better funded public system

Governments in Australia need to stop funding private schools and boost public school funds. If you want to send a child to a private school for “alignment of values or religion” then pay the full cost.

🍸 Lovely afternoon with a long lunch and then cocktails. Walking/rolling home.

On Caturday, this little treasure likes to sit in the old chair on the balcony and watch the birds in between naps. 🐱

A black and white cat called Ali sitting on top of a blue cushion in an old wooden chair. Her front paws are tucked under her and she’s looking intently at something. Her head and body are black but her face, belly and paws are white.

The contrast of old and new on the streets of Kyoto.

In the foreground the peaked roof of an old Japanese temple is visible over the top of trees lining a street. In the distant background a tall telecommunications tower with spire is visible.

😎 Clocking off early to get my long weekend started.