Leaving Sydney with an apparent temperature of 21°c to go home to Brisbane with an apparent temp of 39.5°c, if not higher by the time I get there. Not looking forward to that.

I love it when the track into Sydney gives you a view of that big glorious harbour. ✈️

An aerial view of Sydney Harbour. The Sydney opera house, harbour bridge, circular quay, a cruise ship and the domain gardens are all visible as is the CBD and surrounds. The harbour is a deep blue and it’s a clear sunny day.An aerial view of Sydney Harbour. The Sydney opera house, harbour bridge, circular quay, a cruise ship and the domain gardens are all visible as is the CBD and surrounds. The harbour is a deep blue and it’s a clear sunny day.

Today was one of those days.

“The only time I could find that works for everyone is 3pm Friday but you have that blocked with a no meetings entry.”

Well I think that means you haven’t actually found a time that works for everyone.

The joys of body corporates

Body corporates are a legislative necessity in Australia. They have similar counterparts in other countries around the world.

Someone has to be responsible for the building, collective responsibility in an ideal world. In reality it falls to a small group of people that want to have input into how the place they live is maintained.

Some residents will have no clue on who or what the body corporate committee does other than those notices that appear in the lift. Other residents might complain they interfere too much or have stupid petty rules. Some will get the body corporate committee, the body corporate manager and the building manager confused. It all comes down to down to how the committee operates and how visible it wants to be.

We have six people on our committee and five of us live in the building so can have easy communication. Except we now have two new people on the committee and they want to have preliminary meetings to discuss what will be talked about at the formal meeting. I spend way too much time in meetings at work, I’m not going to have extra meetings in my personal time. Unsurprisingly, the two people keen to do this are a retired person and someone who works from home a lot. People who have time in their day as they don’t have to travel to work and back.

Looking at the items they want to discuss I can see it’s going to be a long road. Trying to resuscitate an issue we’ve dealt with and don’t have money to do and also trying to ask what we’re doing about flood mitigation measures. One of these people opposed the special levy we implemented for flood mitigation works and managed to get enough people onside to spread over a two year period. We don’t have all the funds yet. Are we paying with bottle tops as my Nan used to say?

Collective responsibility, what a wonderful concept. Pity it rarely works where it’s imposed rather than organic.

Season 2 of The Gilded Age has finally been released in Australia on Paramount Plus. Time to wind down the weekend with a bit of historical drama. 📺

Are you doing Sunday morning properly if you didn’t spend it at a Bookfest scouring for those hidden gems. 📚

A long row of trestle tables stretching approximately 20m loaded with rows of second hand books.A large blue banner hanging from the ceiling of a convention centre. The banner has “Lifeline Bookfest. $2.50 books entry” and an arrow pointing right.A rectangular yellow sign with “Science Fiction” in black capital letters on it.

Continued my digital tidy up today. Went through 97 tabs open in safari on my iPhone and 78 on my iPad. Everything now added to bookmarks, reading list, rss feed or closed.

Took me about 1.5 hours but now I’m not looking at a stupid number of tabs and wondering if there’s anything important open.

I think I’m spending more time blocking terrible accounts on Threads than I am engaging. It needs a Lists option so I can use one to just see the people I’m following and not the rubbish the algorithm is sticking in my feed.

Spent far too much time over the last few days generating Summer/Winter/Casual/Work Cat Dad images.

Funko figure of a male with a grey beard, smiling, wearing a green and white Hawaiian shirt, white shorts, green glasses, white sandshoes and a Panama hat. The Funko is displayed inside and outside a limited edition green and white Funko box with CAT DAD text and number 42 at the top and PETER at the bottom.Funko figure of a male with a grey beard, smiling, called PETER, wearing an orange shirt, a long green coat, an orange beanie with pointy cats ears, green glasses, black jeans and brown boots. The Funko is displayed inside and outside a limited edition blue and white Funko box with CAT DAD text and number 42 at the top and PETER at the bottom.Funko figure of a male with a grey beard, smiling, wearing an orange shirt, a green jacket, a green flat cap, green glasses, black jeans and brown boots. The Funko is displayed inside and outside a limited edition orange and white Funko box with CAT DAD text and number 42 at the top and PETER at the bottom.Funko figure of a male with bald head and grey beard, smiling, wearing a long sleeve green business shirt, black jeans, green glasses and brown boots. The Funko is displayed inside and outside a limited edition green and white Funko box with CAT DAD text and number 42 at the top and PETER at the bottom.

Happy original Mickey Mouse Copyright Expiration Day to those who celebrate!

An image from the Carrot Weather app with a dark blue background and “Happy Mickey Mouse Copyright Expiration Day!” in white writing. The temperature is 24°C and Feels 27°. There is a yellow lightning bolt symbol denoting stormy weather.