🎥 Day off today so heading to see Dune 2 when it’s hopefully less busy at the cinema.

👏 Thursday is my Friday this week so TGIF.

I have so many things I’m trying to do at the moment. So many little projects I have half started, thoughts written in Apple Notes or sketched out in Tot. Maybe I just need to rule a line through the to do list and start afresh.

I really like what @vincent has given us with Gluon and Tinylytics and now Scribbles. I’m very happy to sign up for a lifetime subscription to Scribbles in part because it’s such a nifty and easy way to blog but also to just help contribute to Vincent’s excellent work.

📺 Going to spend my Sunday night lazing on the couch and taking a look at the new Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix.

How many of these geographic misconceptions are you guilty of? I know I think of Europe as being in line or due east of the US when it's really more equivalent to Canada in terms of how north it is. Vancouver and Paris having latitudinal parity for example.

A lazy start to Caturday. I’m reading and Ms Ali is keeping me company. One reason I use a Kindle is that it’s easier to read with when only one arm is available due to the other being trapped under madam. 🐈‍⬛🐱

A black and white cat laying in a man’s lap with his left arm under her head. He is wearing a blue shirt with small coloured triangles on it. The arm of the mustard yellow chair is visible.

When I first joined micro.blog the account name I would have liked to use, @peterw, was already taken by someone but looked dormant. I use peterw in other places so I’m quite happy that @manton introduced a process for accessing inactive accounts. So it’s goodbye @meandering and hello @peterw.

If you don’t start your day with coffee did it really start?

A latte in a glass sitting on a black saucer. A teaspoon is on the wooden table beside the saucer. A blurry background shows two people working behind the cafe counter.

🍿 Sunday night viewing was Wonka (2023) ★★½

A rectangular image with a review of the movie - Wonka. The left third contains the movie poster and the review is in other two-thirds. Across the bottom is a rating of Poor Okay Good Great with Okay selected. The review reads: A bit of light entertainment on a Sunday night. Musical numbers so if that's not your thing then steer clear. You won't remember any of the songs, they're entertaining in the moment but nothing you'd play the soundtrack later to hear again. A good try at imagining the origin story for Willy Wonka but doesn't have the quirky weirdness of a Roald Dahl story that the earlier Willy Wonka movies captured.