I keep stalling

Do you have a folder full of drafts? Thoughts started but not finished. I don't mean those emails we all draft to get the real response out of our system before writing the polite version. I mean the longer thoughts that belong on a blog or as a longer mastodon post. 

My draft folder is getting larger because I seem to be stuck in a place of not being happy with what I've written and  leave it there to come back and review and redraft later. Then I see someone else write on the same topic and do a much better job so I decide I need to refine even more. It's a circle I keep going round and round and I need to stop stalling and start posting.

🌧️ Caught in the rain, no piña coladas though.

I went to a funeral this morning and they’re Irish so of course there was the traditional wake after. We’re three hours in and no sign of stopping any time soon. Thank goodness it’s a Friday and nothing to do tomorrow so I can recover 🍻

Downloading my instagram archive and selected everything for the date range. My great grandparents signed me up via telegram.

a screenshot with "In Progress" and 01/02/1905 - 13/04/2024 available information download

🚶‍♂️ Gorgeous 22°c autumn afternoon for a walk. Lot of people getting their insta content in the late afternoon sun along the river.

☕ Coffee required. Sitting on a selection panel for most of today. Writes off the whole day as the brain won’t be up for actual work by the time we finish at 4pm.

🎵 I appear to have gone down a John Denver music video rabbit hole on YouTube. He recorded and released approximately 300 songs, about 200 of which he wrote himself according to Wikipedia.

Gorgeous colour at sunset tonight. Love the way it was reflected in the river. I wasn’t the only one stopping to take a photo.

A length of green grass and a cement path in the foreground. A river curving from left to right. On the other side of the river the silhouettes of apartment buildings are visible. Above those is a cloudy sky lit up in a vibrant orange by the setting sun.

When I’m out walking I occasionally see a lady walking her dog and pushing a stroller. She has her two cats in the stroller and told me one day she didn’t think it was fair the dog was able to go outside and not the cats. It makes me smile whenever I see them all.

☕ Back to work after a nice 11 day break. First the coffee, then the emails.