The Cat

    I get wine, the cat gets a box. We call that a win/win on Caturday.

    A black and white cat sitting in a shallow box that is orange inside. On the inside of the box lid is white wording that says - Apparently ‘wine’ is not an appropriate answer to ‘what motivates you?'

    We have entered the “feed me” part of the afternoon according to the cat. 🐈

    A black and white cat sitting looking straight on to the camera with front paws curled under their body. The cat has big ears and whiskers and has a black head but nose and under chin is white.

    I walked away from my chair for two minutes to refill my water bottle. 🐈

    A black and white cat curled up on a faded blue cushion in an old wooden chair.

    I do admire Ms Ali’s commitment to sitting perfectly still, with big wide eyes, whenever a bird lands on the balcony outside. The next phase is quietly slipping down to sit near the screen door that keeps her inside.

    A black and white cat with head raised and very wide open eyes staring intently at something out of shot.

    The Cat enjoying the cool tiles on a 34°c day right before the storm crashed through.

    A black and white cat looking at the camera with big green eyes. The cat is laying on grey tiles under a table.

    The Cat versus the Currawong is a story on constant repeat here. The currawong has been quite active out on the balcony today and madam has been beside herself. Barely moved from her spot near the screen door where she can glare at it and make that weird little noise cats do.

    Waking up earlier these days so I’m putting that extra time to good use. I’m sitting for about 20-30mins in my chair reading so The Cat can jump up beside me. Any day that starts with a cat on your lap is going to be a good day.

    I’m getting “you went away and I’m disappointed in you” vibes from The Cat.

    A black and white cat sitting on the edge of a couch staring intently at the photographer

    If there was any doubt about who runs this household … the cat just walked over to the balcony door, sat down and turned her head to look at me and I said “sorry, I’ll be there in a moment”. 🐈

    Starting the Microblogvember challenge with a photo of the fine figure of a feline, Ms Ali. This gorgeous girl brings me joy every day. She is not a needy cat but is never far away from me when I’m home, usually watching me going about my day.

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