Out and about

    Gorgeous colour at sunset tonight. Love the way it was reflected in the river. I wasn’t the only one stopping to take a photo.

    A length of green grass and a cement path in the foreground. A river curving from left to right. On the other side of the river the silhouettes of apartment buildings are visible. Above those is a cloudy sky lit up in a vibrant orange by the setting sun.

    Making a little stop on the afternoon walk. I think it’s important to support small business. 🍦

    A blue ice cream van parked in front of some trees. The side counter is open and the doors hooked back show the ice creams available. There are ice creams painted in different colours on the truck. The big rear doors have a mermaid and a large ice cream painted on them.

    A gorgeous bluesky on a lovely autumn afternoon. I love this time of year.

    This old gas stripping tower is along the Brisbane river in West End. The tower was used in the removal of tar and ammonia from raw coal gas. Made in 1912, it’s heritage listed and the only one of its kind left in Australia.

    A reddish brown cylindrical tower at the bottom of a grassy bank. A platform surrounds the top of the tower and narrow steps are visible. There are large trees across the top of the grass bank and a clear rich blue sky behind the trees and tower.

    Afternoon walks at sunset are good for the soul and a very pleasant way to wind out the weekend.

    Looking down a boat ramp into the Brisbane river. A blue and white, double level, city cat ferry is in the middle and apartment buildings on the other side of the river are in the background. The sky is darkening as it’s just on sunset.

    A road along the river near me is a shared space for pedestrians and cyclists.

    I often think how this sign is good life advice and not just a caution to cyclists.

    I sometimes need to remind myself to take time to enjoy the world around me instead of ticking the next task off.

    A large yellow rectangular box painted longways on the road. "Slow down" is painted in large red capital letters in the top half.

    I went a different way on my walk and saw some street art I’ve not noticed before.

    The Terminator from the original movie painted an a dark background on an old brick wall. A big red “kaboom” is over it’s left shoulder. In the upper left corner is a light coloured box with “earlier models look human! Bad smells and jokes. I will be replaced”

    My battle wagon is ready.

    It might also just be the local rowing club ready for the river first thing in the morning.

    The rear of a trailer holding 16 rowing sculls. The photo is taken at an angle so the ends appear like spikes pointing skyward.

    City hall in Brisbane, Australia, lit up for Christmas.

    Brisbane City lit in red and green lighting. The front columns are all red with the portico behind in green. Clock tower is all green.