I regret quite a few things but at the moment it’s the fact I made a poor decision to not put the air conditioner on earlier tonight.
My regret about this is directly related to the fact it’s now 27.8°c with 92% humidity and I can’t sleep.
Sitting on my balcony after the storm and watching it turn a glorious colour. What’s the old saying “red sky at night, shepherds delight”.
Wore shorts to work today. Someone asked if I was trying to start a new trend for casual office wear and I replied that as I was born and raised in North Queensland they should be happy I had shoes on and not the ‘good’ thongs.
My battle wagon is ready.
It might also just be the local rowing club ready for the river first thing in the morning.
The Mt Stapylton weather radar for Brisbane, Australia, seems to be having some issues. Either that or the Apocalypse has started.
Trying to summon the motivation to go for a late afternoon bike ride. A storm went through earlier and cooled everything down but I lay down on the couch to wait it out and now I’m far too comfortable. It will likely be very nice along the river though. Maybe a walk instead.
My favourite local cafe had a fifth birthday party last night, in part to thank customers that stayed with it all through covid lockdowns and limitations. The cafe is called Doc Brown, after the Doc in Back to the Future, so of course there was a Delorean parked out front.
I walked away from my chair for two minutes to refill my water bottle. 🐈
I do admire Ms Ali’s commitment to sitting perfectly still, with big wide eyes, whenever a bird lands on the balcony outside. The next phase is quietly slipping down to sit near the screen door that keeps her inside.
City hall in Brisbane, Australia, lit up for Christmas.