
    After today, I have 17 working days until I go on six weeks leave. Just have to make sure the screaming stays internal until then.

    A black enamel badge in the shape of an animal head, pointy ears, big round eyes and the words “Screaming Internally” where the mouth would be. It’s pinned on a cream coloured jacket.

    I don’t understand people who buy an apartment and then complain every quarter they don’t understand how the levies are calculated. How do they not look into it and make sure they know all the ongoing costs before making a major financial decision?

    🍸 Heading out for dinner and a show

    I have six weeks of work left until I have six weeks of leave. I can’t begin to describe how much I’m looking forward to this given my last large block of leave was Aug-Sept 2022.

    Niece borrowed some money to help buy a car earlier this year. She’s discovering the bank of uncle peter is not as flexible with repayments as the bank of dad. Deferring the regular payment results in a lecture when it doesn’t resume as agreed. I call it character building, not sure if she agrees.

    🍕 Making pizza for dinner, mainly so I can warm the apartment up with the oven.

    We’re having “the office might be warmer, maybe I should go in instead of WFH” temperatures at the moment.

    Someone in the comms team at my superannuation fund is probably swearing profusely right now. A generic email has gone out and it has the member number instead of the name (Dear 12345678).

    After their recent outage due to Google cloud issues you’d think they’d be extra careful about this stuff.

    🍷 Trivia time with team “Furiosa: A Mad Peter Saga”

    😾 About to upset the cat by waking her up from her afternoon sleep and quickly putting her in the cat carrier to go to the vet for a dental check.

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