The short version

  • The Cat is in charge
  • Doctor Who fan
  • Star Trek fan
  • Restaurants, wine, cocktails
  • Work provides the money for my life, it's not my life

The long version

Hi. I'm Peter from Brisbane where The Cat runs the household. A pretty wide range of interests and always keen to learn new stuff. A life long Doctor Who fan, I love most things sci-fi.

Probably have too many subscriptions to streaming channels but try to balance that out with reading and have a goal of a minimum 20 books a year to make sure I'm not always staring at a tv screen.

Other things I find interesting are good podcasts, great restaurants, sustainability, film, wine, hunting down a great gin and cocktail, and '80s music.

I tell people the main reason I go to work is so I can go on holidays as I love to travel.

I’m in other places and a full list is on my site.

About this site

What is this site about? Not entirely sure is the best answer!

In 2022 I decided I needed some little projects for my spare hours and this was one of them. I have a digital footprint that's scattered across a lot of places so I thought I’d set up a little space on to try and draw the bits together. is a great service and was a relatively frictionless way to get started with a blog. I'm using it as the main place I post to with everything going to the timeline and cross-posting to other places.

Will I just be shouting into the void? Who knows!


I’m often on Mastodon and you can send me a message there or on Instagram but you can also use this form. Email from real people is the best!